JETCRAFT. Водомёт. Водомётный движитель. Теория.

Лодка. На что обратить внимание. Руководство пользователя. (Boats: What to Look For . Buyer guide)

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Лодка. На что обратить внимание.

     Marathon Marine - web.  Cтатья очень доходчиво рассказывает НА ЧТО ОБРАТИТЬ ВНИМАНИЕ при покупке лодки или водомётного катера.

NEW. Росомаха (img) русский конкурент Harbercraf / Jetcraft


Byuer Guide Руководство покупателя


Фотографии с выставки "MIBS 2009"

Закон и катер. Постановка на учёт катера со стационарным двигателем.


дюймы в сантиметры

Словарь ( Dictionary ).

Сравнить ( Compare Boats )

Теория ( Theory ).


Форумы на тему... с переводом.



1875 J-Max White Water (img)


2075 White Water



1875 J-Max XS (img)


2175 XS Фотографии с выставки "Охота и рыбалка - 2008"


Marathon Marine and Northwest Jet Boats (link)


PHANTOM Jet Boats (link)


RiverPro®. (link)


North Silver PRO 675Jet lnk


Росомаха (img)


Tom 525. Томь 525.


Коллекция ссылок на тему: водомёты для судов (Links).

5 White Water test drive

Курс доллара









Planing Hull Bottom Types Корпус с дном плоского типа

 There are a number of hull choices for river / shallow water service. Each has their own

 merits and shortcomings depending on the conditions the boat is expected to operate in.

 Many are completely unacceptable for use in anything but shallow water. However,

 Marathon’s Radius works well in both rivers and inland lakes and waterways.

 It also works well with a variety of power choices including outboards and sterndrives.

 Marathon has built and tested just about every variation of jet boat since 1967. We have

 learned that there is no one hull design that answers the exact needs of all operators. As a

 result we incorporate the very best of every feature wherever we can. What follows is a

 brief summary of what we have experienced with different hull shapes and a brief

 description of our Radius Bottom.

 Excluding racing hulls, there are generally two types of shallow water planning hulls.

 Constant deadrise V (including modified V hulls)

 Flat bottom hulls

 In addition to this there may be two different bow type entries incorporated in the design.

 These include:

 Shallow entry

 Sharp entry

 Constant deadrise V (including modified V hulls)

 As the centerline profile of a V hull generally forms a point the following applies:

 Sharper point = deeper deadrise = more hull in the water = softer ride.


 The more hull in the water = more wetted surface = more drag = higher fuel consumption

 Whether at rest or on plane, a deep V constant deadrise hull will sit / plane deeper in the

 water. It will also have the tendency to roll at rest. The constant deadrise V certainly has

 its place and Marathon builds many V hulls - generally with 12 degree deadrise. We have

 found this to be the optimum deadrise for shallow water operation, stability at rest and

 rough water handling. However, we have also found that no matter what deadrise is

 specified a V hull will lose lift in turns - which translates into slower boat speeds when

 cornering and less responsive hull performance overall.

 Flat bottom hulls (8 degrees deadrise or less)

 This type of hull generates better lift and makes for an awesome shallow water boat. It is

 quick to plane and has much less hull in the water to be damaged by underwater

 obstacles. As is always the case there is a trade off. Flat bottom hulls are extremely rough

 riding in anything but calm or flat water conditions. This type of hull is also best suited

 for a seasoned operator that is familiar with its unique handling characteristics. These

 boats tend to “slide” when cornering and cavitate in rough or white water conditions.

 Many operators swear by this bottom design. While they do have a place where

 navigating extremely shallow water, their maneuverability and performance is ill suited

 for navigation in white water where stability and split second positive direction changes

 are required.


Boats: What to Look For. НА ЧТО ОБРАТИТЬ ВНИМАНИЕ при покупке лодки.




Welded Boats in General:

Сварные лодки в общем

Our Bias

Наши предпочтения

Shop for a Manufacturer First


Look in the used boat ads


Judging the Production Staff


Manufacturer Reputation


Buying a Welded Boat for the First Time


Know the Boat you want


There is no Perfect Boat


Take a test ride.


Acceleration out of the hole


Bottom Width and Engine Size and Type.


Turning ability.


Stability at Speed: Porpoising versus bow down  Дельфинирование.


The Hook.


Spray Line?.


Boat Materials: Aluminum versus Fiberglass .


Cost differences between glass and aluminum .  Сравнение стоимости стекловолокна и алюминия.

Types of Aluminum. Типы алюминия.


Material Thickness


A Word about Welding


Suck marks, caterpillar tracks


Folded, ‘Origami’ Construction


Hull Design


Delta Keel.


Deadrise (Vee)


Planing Hull Bottom Types Корпус с дном плоского типа


Constant deadrise V (including modified V hulls)


Flat bottom hulls (8 degrees deadrise or less)


Bow Entry Types. Тип носа катера


Shallow Entry


Sharp Entry


Radius Bottom Круглое дно.


Lift Forces Explained.


Lateral Stability During Planing Turns


Bottom Shape and Jet Intake


Planing Ability


Reverse Chines


Bottom Width: Flair is not everything


No Trim.


Hull Construction Standards


Shallow Water Operation


No Exposed Drive




Thrust line and Center of Gravity In line


Propeller Torque is Different than Impeller Torque


Propulsion Resistance.


Power Plants

Силовая установка.

Derived from Impeller Curves.


RPM Curve Derivation




Hull Resistance.

Boat attitude..


Jet Drives


How jets work .






Cut, Speed and Load


Wear ring.






Hard Anodized.


Cavitation .






Mixed flow


Axial flow.


Outboard jet:


Inboard jets:


So, what is the best jet?






Jet Diagnosis...


Rattle at Idle (V8 boats)


Speed too low for a Given RPM.


Poor acceleration or ‘holeshot’, combined with high top end




Porpoising .


Chine walk: 9


Ram effect .


Static thrust:


Водомётный движитель. ТЕОРИЯ.


Адрес для переписки:

Spiridonov S. E.

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Лодка. На что обратить внимание.

JETCRAFT. Водомёт. Водомётный движитель. Водомётный катер Теория. Лодка. На что обратить внимание. Руководство пользователя. (Boats: What to Look For . Buyer guide)